Monday, 30 June 2014

Laura Mulvey- The Female Gaze

This is the opposite to the Male Gaze devised by Laura Mulvey. It is essentially the idea that females are objectifying men. This is seen in films/music videos and adverts.
A notorious advert for this is the Coke advert:

This video shows how women objectify the male as the women stare and giggle when the man takes off his top.

A music video where this is prevalent is Chris Brown's "Wall to wall"

In this video there are girls chasing after Chris Brown and there are lots of close ups of Chris which suggests that the target audience for this is females as it serves towards what the female finds pleasurable. Therefore, Chris Brown is being objectified in this video
Here Andrew Goodwin's theory can be applied as there is a link between visual and lyrics.

Here is another advert in which the men are the ones being objectified. This is shown by their submissive nature towards the woman (Amanda Holden).The advert contains lots of topless men whereby they are playing the role of servants. From the viewers perspective they are merely there for the female audience's entertainment. At the end of the advert one of the men is on all fours and Amanda is resting her legs on his back as if he were in replacement of a stool or foot rest which is the suggestion the man is being objectified here.

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